The harsher, cold weather has started to return to our town as winter is starting to set in. This month was a little slow at Kingston High School, as we’re switching from fall to winter sports and we also had quite a few days off.
For the first two weeks of this month Kingston High School Associated Student Body put on a food drive for the food bank.
This was also turned into a spirit point earning competition between each grade. The class with the most cans, wins more spirit points for their grade. Whichever class has the most points by the end of the year receives $1,000. And I’m happy to announce that the juniors won, bringing in over 1,000 donations.
Fall sports came to an end with the award banquet taking place on the Nov. 19. Winter sports include boys basketball, girls basketball, gymnastics, boys swimming and wrestling. Tryouts were held and teams were announced at “Meet the Bucs” on Nov. 24.
The Leo’s club put on a blood drive on Nov. 9 with a goal of 73 students donating blood. We exceeded that goal in sign-ups but put short when we got backed up due to so many students fainting. There were quite a few kids who got through the needles and blood, but some became a little woozy and had to lay down until they felt better.
It was just another way Kingston High School is helping the outside world.
On Nov. 10 an assembly was held in honor of the Veterans Day, With visitors from each branch of the military, students who have or had family or friends in the military were asked to stand up and there were plenty of students who stood up. I was one of them.
It’s especially touching to attend assemblies like this one when you have or had family, friends, or relatives who served. Students watched a slideshow paying tribute to teachers, former students, and family members who have or are serving.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for everything; family, friends, possessions, and the very ground we stand on. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving.
In December we have a good, long break to enjoy Christmas and New Years. From Dec. 21 to Jan. 4 we have no school. So let’s make those New Year’s resolutions, and live it up that first night of 2010 Kingston!