Thanks, Public Works, for picking up after event

Once again, I was just blown away by the rapidity with which the city of Poulsbo Public Works folks cleaned up the city after another event.

Once again, I was just blown away by the rapidity with which the city of Poulsbo Public Works folks cleaned up the city after another event. I had seen this after Viking Fest and July 3rd, and here again it was done just as thoroughly after the Street Dance last Saturday.

Every piece of paper, garbage can, street debris — all of it — was gone. The downtown merchants must be very gratified and thankful to the city for the fine job they do.

Public Works has so many tasks to keep the city going with the many annexations that have increased the size and responsibility of the city, that we should all be pleased with these highly visible activities that get done as well. While I do not live in the city limits, I feel we do owe them a debt of gratitude for the evident and not so evident jobs that they do.

Barbara Mitchusson

