North Kitsap Herald Letters to the Editor | Sept. 20

On Sunday, Sept. 14, a young, nice-looking couple saw me in my garage and asked me if they could borrow a tool to fix their boat at the Keyport Dock. I loaned them an almost-new pipe wrench which they said they would bring back in five minutes.


Young couple borrows, then steals

On Sunday, Sept. 14, a young, nice-looking couple saw me in my garage and asked me if they could borrow a tool to fix their boat at the Keyport Dock. I loaned them an almost-new pipe wrench which they said they would bring back in five minutes.

It is now Monday afternoon, Sept. 15, and still no pipe wrench or signs of the young couple. I will loan no more of my tools to anyone except I will loan my Tom Cat’s tool out because when he’s finished with it, he always brings it back.

Doran Kennedy


Reader feedback

What was the editor thinking?

While I agree with the issues Celeste Cornish favors, her pessimistic opinion about politicians in general and the conventions specifically surprises me. I would assume the job of a newspaper editor is to stay informed about the good and the bad and the ugly and politics. Conventions may well be just a big ego trip for politicians, but they, as well as the campaigns, gave me a good notion on where the candidates stand on issues I feel strongly about: universal health care, Iraq, alternative energy, looking out for those who work for a living, and government regulations.

Government regulation, or the lack thereof, has suddenly become a big issue. McCain is a free market, laissez faire, Reaganomics man who objects to government regulation, he called himself a deregulator.

Obama is in favor of government regulation. The meltdown on Wall Street, the government bailout of AIG and other institutions should give the discerning voter a clear choice.

The Republican Convention members chanted: “Drill, baby, drill.” Obama favors alternative energy supply and points toward successful use of alternative energy in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

I learned from the convention that McCain’s slogan is now change. Change from what? Eight years of a Republican administration’s policy that McCain supported? Didn’t someone else preached change for some time? Now, he, too, wants to regulate Wall Street better. How about focusing less on abortion and more on the economy?

I also learned from watching the convention that the former maverick conformed enthusiastically to the Palin-olithic wing of the Republican party. How sad! But, what really scares me is Palin’s answer to Charles Gibson’s question whether the U.S. would have to wage war with Russia if it were to re-invade Georgia.

She said “perhaps, so.” Maybe she has never read of Napoleon’s or Hitler’s attempt to fight Russia, or she was thinking Georgia, USA.

James Behrend

Bainbridge Island

Campaign signs

Can she write it? Yes, she can

This is a brief response to Tammy Deets’ letter accusing Republicans of orchestrated letters. Specifically, a letter that my 100-year-old mother-in-law and I wrote about Phil Rockefeller’s voting record.

If anyone wishes to research the accuracy of the included information I invite them to go to and check it. Roberta Bidinger is not only lucid, she edits whatever I write. She is very excited about Connie Lord’s run for the Senate and wanted to do something, too, so she signed the letter for a different paper.

About signs, I have never personally seen Democrat’s signs torn down, but I have seen many many Republican signs destroyed and/or torn down.

I think it’s because one party is committed to free speech and the Democratic process while the other party is committed to recounting the votes until they win as well as writing ‘emergency clauses’ on each piece of legislation in order to circumvent the initiatives overwhelmingly voted for by the people.

Lucy Wells


Party’s no matter, sign stealing’s wrong

The Herald recently printed a letter from Steve Minor, a resident of Kingston, who identified and accused a group of people of destroying and stealing Mr. Bauer’s signs.

I have yet to see the paper print an article that says the police have identified and arrested these individuals.

I would like to know who these people are and how Mr. Minor has acquired this knowledge.

I personally find it sad that both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in Kitsap County have had to deal with this behavior. I understand this is “common” behavior during an election year, however, it’s still wrong.

Barb Fox

