Setting record straight
To the editor:
The South Kitsap School District and community do their best to ensure all district students are safe, respected and provided the best education possible. The district has a legal responsibility for the stringent educational requirements regarding our Special Needs students at all times.
The district, Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office and Port Orchard police do their utmost to ensure your students and the staff are always safe at school, which is the highest priority of the district.
All Special Needs students attending our district are treated with dignity and respect. Some students require extensive accommodations due to their disabilities, but care is taken to keep those students safe as well as those around them. Students can voluntarily request to visit a “seclusion” room for any reason for a few minutes and then return to class. The district does not remove or isolate students. “Rubber rooms” are a thing of the past, and federal law protects everyone in today’s society.
The district follows the laws and direction of the legislature regarding sex education lessons, sexual orientation issues and other controversial concerns that are present within our district and nation. Parents can “opt-out” of sexual health and HIV lessons. PE waivers are on an individual basis. Working with schools and the district is the best way to resolve issues as the district desires to support all students and parents.
Jeff Daily
Port Orchard