Gregoire needs to govern like Rossi would have

Perhaps Dino Rossi did win after all.

Faced with a budget deficit of nearly $6 billion, Gov. Christine Gregoire said she would fund programs and services mandated by the Constitution and not “discretionary” programs.

Good call gov. Sounds just like Dino.

After all, the scope of authority of the government is actually defined by the Constitution. The “discretion” allowable under the Constitution relates to how mandated functions are completed, not how many more functions government might wish to assume or spend money on.

The gov will find it easy to achieve her “fund constitutional mandates” budget objective and find a way to reduce the tax burden on the people of Washington.

Since there is no mandate in the Constitution for the Growth Management Act, she can eliminate that funding guzzler and the departments that feed at the GMA trough (like CTED and Ecology). She could also do away with a bunch of health insurance mandates.

A side benefit will be a sharp reduction in the number of lobbyists hanging around the capital.

If the gov can find the courage to do the job she was actually hired to do, “We the people” get what Dino promised.


