Concerned about CHI, Doctors Clinic merger

Something is drastically wrong with this situation and must be remedied by law so that all patients can receive the treatment to which each, individually, is legally entitled.

With regard to the merger of The Doctors Clinic with CHI Franciscan, there is much to be concerned about (“The Doctors Clinic, CHI say merger will lead to cost savings,” page A1, Sept. 2 Herald).

Both here, as throughout the state of Washington, the Catholic Church has taken control of many hospitals and clinics and imposed its Ethical and Religious Doctrines concerning health care on all patients, which may make many reproductive rights, treatment of women with pregnancy complications, and end-of-life treatments unavailable.

This means that patients can be denied what is considered best medical practices and what is permitted by law. Also, each patient’s own religious freedom may be ignored.

It is not as easy as simply going to another hospital because, in many areas, no other hospital is available.

Something is drastically wrong with this situation and must be remedied by law so that all patients can receive the treatment to which each, individually, is legally entitled.

Alice Joy Mahser

