The Kitsap Regional Library released its “Wrapped” list for 2024, a compilation of books that most captivated county readers of…
A unique New Book by Tim Paschal
Book lovers in Poulsbo can put down their pitchforks, Liberty Bay Books isn’t going anywhere, it will continue operating under…
Suggestions of books to read in the coming year
A holiday poem by auhtor Donna Lee Anderson.
When we finish our formal schooling and are ready to get on with our lives, many of us go to…
30 years independent of regional system
Homeschooling has become very common in our society. If you homeschool, there are groups for your children so they can…
“Olympos” is a book about mountains. It starts with this disclaimer: “Any resemblance to Mount Olympus in Washington State is…
Recently, I met with D. V. Berkom, author of “Vigilante Dead,” and of course I had some questions.
Many of you already know about the Poulsbohemian Coffee Shop on Front Street in Poulsbo. I have had the privilege…
SILVERDALE — Woodlands Elementary School has been the site of an invasion.
I’ve always believed attitude made all the difference in the way life treated you. And now here is a book…
Katheryn LaFond has written a different kind of a cookbook. Although her book, “Seasoned with Gratitude,” includes 250 recipes, it…
BARN (Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network) is located at 8890 Three Tree Lane NE on Bainbridge Island. They have a lovely…
In a past column, I interviewed Bill Effinger and wrote about his book, “Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur.” Now he’s…