Recommends getting a range extender

Only in America do we make believe that humans do not need to periodically relieve themselves.

Only in America do we make believe that humans do not need to periodically relieve themselves.

We have almost zero public restrooms, yet arrest anyone seen going potty in the bushes. This is particularly a problem for us old folks. The American public scene is characterized by a lot of bladder pain. So here is a solution that works for me:

When I was a rather old student pilot (46 in 1980), midway into my first solo cross-country flight to Astoria I realized that I needed a “rest stop.”

Upon landing at Astoria, I was holding my legs so tight together that I could hardly work the controls and nearly got arrested for excessive taxi speed trying to get to the men’s room at the FBO (fixed-base operator). Discussing this problem later with my instructor, he advised me to get a “range extender” for use  in flight.

As a result, I never again went airborne without my range extender (an empty Costco plastic peanut jar works great). This progressed to keeping a range extender in every one of my vehicles, because like being airborne, the roadside restrooms are mostly absent.

So, here is my advice to ferry lane holders: get a range extender. Works for men. The ladies will have to come up with their own solution.

Paul Diehl

