The rock stars of chiropractic | Spinal Column

When I started Spinal Column Radio two years ago, my original intention was merely to refresh and repurpose the decade-and-a-half of articles I had written for the Kingston Community News into a radio-style format.

When I started Spinal Column Radio two years ago, my original intention was merely to refresh and repurpose the decade-and-a-half of articles I had written for the Kingston Community News into a radio-style format.

I never dreamt that our show would take such a radical and exciting turn, sending my audio-engineer-son and I coast to coast interviewing some of the most influential and greatest philosophical minds in our profession. I was being described as the “Larry King” of chiropractic.

Before all that happened, though, I began seeking interviews on my own with chiropractors who had demonstrated themselves outside the daily 9 to 5 grind.

For example, I interviewed Dr. Rennie Statler of Danbury, Conn. Upon hearing of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010, he found himself on a jet plane with a handful of other like-minded docs to deliver food, water, and chiropractic adjustments.

I also interviewed Dr. Gary Deutchman, a New York City chiropractor who rolled up his sleeves to adjust at Ground Zero just days after our nation was forever changed.

There was also Dr. David Ryan of Columbus, Ohio.  He shared how he took an infested tree in front of his office that was doomed to die and turned it into a landmark. Thanks to some artistic chainsaw carving, the front yard of his clinic now boasts a towering 30-foot human spine, giving his practice an unmatched revitalization in a down economy.

And then I’ll never forget Dr. Kyle Goltz of West Yellowstone, Mont. He adjusted his patient, Fred, who had quite the bout of debilitating neck pain. Not such a big deal, until you learn that Fred is a grizzly bear!

And then it happened.  Seven months after our launch, we released a series on chiropractic radio history that showcased the developer of our profession and radio pioneer, BJ Palmer.   Soon these podcasts, featuring recorded broadcasts from the early 1930s, went viral with downloads sweeping across the nation and around the globe.

During this time, I received an email announcing the legendary chiropractor, Reggie Gold, was to speak in Seattle.  He is a chiropractic philosopher who not only studied under BJ Palmer over half a century ago but, without a doubt, has influenced more chiropractors with his teachings than any other. This was an opportunity I simply could not pass up — especially since his health was failing with his advancing age.

When the time came to attend the engagement, I mentioned it to my office assistants. As I explained who Reggie Gold was, and the historic impact he had made in our profession, their excitement escalated.

With my hand on the door to leave, I stopped and wistfully said in a passing comment, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I could interview Reggie Gold on Spinal Column Radio?” And then I retorted, “Nah, that would never happen.”

Days after, with our radio show gaining in popularity, I received an email from Dr. James Dubel, who I soon learned founded and, for the past 20 years, ran the largest chiropractic philosophy event on the northeastern seaboard. He had heard our show and was very interested. Soon we were talking on the telephone.

What followed in our conversation would set Spinal Column Radio on an entirely different adventure.  Not only did he love everything about our program, but he could envision us at his next event interviewing all his big-name speakers.  Translation: he wanted us to interview the “rock stars” of the chiropractic industry!  How could I say no?

And then he spoke the words that one week prior I said would never happen:  “I think the first person I want you to interview is Reggie Gold.”

— Dr. Thomas R. Lamar is a chiropractor at Anchor Chiropractic in the Health Services Center and is the host of To date he has amassed well over 100 interviews with chiropractic “rock stars” — including three with Reggie Gold. Lamar can be reached at (360) 297-8111.

