Without salmon bake, there’s no Manchester Library

The Aug. 23 issue of the Port Orchard Independent printed a letter concerning the Manchester Father’s Day Salmon Bake (“Salmon Bake took away parking spaces”).

The letter writer mistakenly assumed the Salmon Bake is a Kitsap Regional Library event. The Salmon Bake is a fund-raising activity that supports the operation and maintenance of the Manchester library, which is owned by the citizens of Manchester through the Friends of Manchester Library.

Although KRL supports the Salmon Bake, it is only one of many local organizations that support the Salmon Bake. Indeed, the Manchester Grill is one of the businesses supporting the library. While we are sorry that the 700 attendees of the Salmon Bake make parking difficult, without activities like the plant sale, the book store and the salmon bake, there would not be a branch library in Manchester.

Ray Pardo

Friends of the Manchester Library
