Windermere leads the way with Service Day

On Friday, June 19, there was an event in town that left a positive impression on many people, including myself. It was Community Service Day for Poulsbo’s Windermere Real Estate office. This is the day that the employees/agents of the office put down their pens and contracts, and give back to the community in which they live and work.

About 32 owners, employees and agents spent time giving their time and energy to Poulsbo Parks and Recreation. There were three different pieces to the project, each vital to the betterment of Poulsbo. The first was the power washing and painting of the Kvelstad Pavilion in Liberty Bay Waterfront Park. This park is the most visible park in town, and the pavilion is used for a variety of activities from weddings and parties to special events like the recent Midsommarfest Celebration. The other two projects were up at the Recreation Center itself. Agent Chris Moyer built shelves in the storage area of the building, while another crew weeded, pulled, barked, landscaped, and totally improved the outside of the building along Front Street. They dumped the greens at Tucker Landscaping and moved enough bark to cover all of the planting areas. The building and its surroundings look 100 percent better.

Thank you to the office owners, Carter Dotson and Mike Pitts, for encouraging community service; and to project leaders, Rebecca Gore and Jay Robertson, and the entire Poulsbo Windermere office for your time, talents and energies. The other employees and agents that came out to help included Carin Anema, Annita Baze Hansen, Jim Bilbao, Christine Brevick, Terry Burns, John Campbell, Bonnie Chandler, Rick De Barros, Romelle Gosselin, Kevin Hannah, Jim Harris, Charlene Hopkins, Cherie Kesti, Joni Kimmel, Casey McGrath, Chris Moyer, Suzanne O’Clair, Christy Owens, Wayne Paulson, JoAnn Polley, Sharla Pugliese, Mary Richards, Angela Snyder, Pam Taplin, Randy Taplin, Don Todd, Bill Touchette, Mark Warns, John West.

Mary McCluskey

