Universal health care isn’t scary


The last time the health care debate came up, actors Harry and Louise scared us to death. We wouldn’t get to use our own doctors (most HMOs). A government bureaucrat will make our health care decisions (made by industry considering bottom line). It will cost too much (uninsured now using emergency rooms for health care driving up ER costs 50 percent).

Which is worst, a health care system where profit is made when you’re sick or money is saved when you’re well?

The most insidious consequence of our broken system is that we are all virtual slaves to our current job because of pre-existing conditions. We can’t change careers, move or get a better job if we have any health problems because treatment will be denied. Our ability to get quality health care should not be tied to our jobs.

There is also a financial disadvantage to our businesses that have to compete on the world market where the rest of the governments supply health care.

Public opinion is at 75 percent for universal health care. Those senators (Maria Cantwell) and representatives that are blocking this are not representing us but must be in the pockets of the big fat bloated tick (health Insurance Industry) that has inserted itself in between our doctors and us.

Don’t be fooled again. Billions of dollars are being spent to scare us into status quo. Follow the money (right into our elected officials hands). Demand that we finally get universal health care.

Single payer makes the most sense but most of you are too afraid of the scary and terrible word “socialism” even though our school systems, Veterans Affairs, and Social Security Administration are all run that way.

Hallette Salazar

