Tell a public servant ‘thank you’

A relative newcomer to Kingston, I found myself in the parking lot of the Borrowed Kitchen one Sunday, staring at an exceptionally flat rear tire and at a loss without family or friends to rescue me.

At 65, I haven’t changed a tire since 1976. I shared my dilemna with Erin when she asked me how I was doing, and within a short time she had volunteered her husband — “He’s a fireman” — to come to my aid. Twenty-five minutes later, Deputy Chief Bruce Peterson drove up in his pickup and taught me about unlocking my tires and made sure my temporary spare was on right.

I read in the Sunday paper when I got home (many thanks to Erin and Bruce) that, in a recent rating of stressful occupations done by CareerCast, some of the most stressful jobs “crucial to America’s safety and democracy” are not necessarily well paid — firefighter was No. 2 out the list of 10.

Deputy Chief Peterson gave up his own time on a Sunday morning to help this stranded citizen get home. There is a trend to thank military veterans for their service. I would like to extend that to every public servant and everyone who in the course of their normal workday leaves you feeling that they are glad to help.

Give them something back. Say “Thank you.”

Kathryn Rahn

