Supports Tania Issa in ‘her fight against the Port’

Time for the bullying ways of the Kingston port and their closed circle of followers to quit bashing and trashing Tania Issa.

Time for the bullying ways of the Port of Kingston and its closed circle of followers to quit bashing and trashing Tania Issa.

Let us hold off a minute before we heat up the tar with feathers and drive Tania Issa out of town because she will not back down in her fight against the Port of Kingston.

The port is mistaken to publicly portray Tania Issa as an angry, hateful, frivolous, silly, wasteful, newcomer to Kingston.

Tania deliberately works to support our local businesses and tries to hire local people first. And Tania has made improvements within our schools. She was instrumental in getting the last school levy passed. How many of us were dancing around at Four Corners making fools of ourselves with a bunch of other parents and children, getting the word out for folks to vote for the levy?

Here is an honest story about Tania doing her part in saving old-growth forest from loggers on Squak Mountain while at the same time getting the mountain’s land protected for our future’s generations.

Tania challenged a large logging operation and stopped the saws. She is not going to back down even when the respected members of Kingston’s good-old-boys club tell her to just settle down and go to mediation. Not when she is right. I believe Tania has found something[s] very wrong within the port’s activities. And she is going to bring those transgressions out for all of us to see.

From my experience with Tania Issa, I expect we will soon be offering her an apology and a “thank you.” I vote we wait until at least after Mary McClure takes office and the state finishes the Port of Kingston’s audit.

Two questions:

Why isn’t the port’s public information on the Internet or filed in such a fashion any of us can have easy access to find and read what we are interested in? I get the idea the port is stalling and hopes Tania will get frustrated and disappear.

Am I the only one who notices Tania has nothing personal to gain?

Let us give Tania at least some breathing room and more time to prove her case before flogging her.

I have lived in Kingston for over 20 years. I have never owned a boat. Tania Issa is my friend.

Jenny Davis


