School board should be commended for saving the district money

Will North Kitsap school critics and Herald headline writers ever stop creating and selling straw men? Our new school superintendent reduced administrative costs by $317,000 through reorganization. The workload of four administrators was consolidated into two new positions, so that workload is said to have doubled, thereby justifying a pay increase of $12,415 for them. That’s less than 4 percent of the $317,000 saved by reorganization.

It seems more probably that the eliminated positions were receiving full pay for about half a workload than that the two new positions doubled a realistic work load for a mere $12,415. The fact remains that the superintendent and the school board did not give pay raises. They consolidated work formerly done by four administrative positions into two. They should be applauded, not maligned, for eliminating waste and saving taxpayers over $300,000.

Tom Driscoll

