Reconsider assisted-living proposal

or years, it has been rumored that the last undeveloped parcel of Poulsbo Place might include an assisted-living facility. Many of us “older” Poulsbo citizens looked forward to having that option when it comes time to downsize from our single-family residences.

I was disappointed to see the article, “Assisted-living proposal on Jensen Way pulled” (page A14, Aug. 5 Herald).

For years, it has been rumored that the last undeveloped parcel of Poulsbo Place might include an assisted-living facility. Many of us “older” Poulsbo citizens looked forward to having that option when it comes time to downsize from our single-family residences. Having such a facility near downtown Poulsbo would enable those of us who still retain some mobility to enjoy the amenities of downtown rather than being forced to live in a facility in the outer limits of the city.

I appreciate the desires of the Poulsbo Place Homeowners Association to maintain high standards for their attractive community but, with good planning and architectural design, an assisted-living facility need not be unattractive.

I urge Central Highland Homes and the Poulsbo Place Homeowners Association to reconsider their position on this matter.

William Lockard

