Reader supports Angel for state senator

As a resident of Port Orchard, and a proud retired Navy submarine veteran, I would like to write this letter of endorsement for soon-to-be state Sen. Jan Angel.

As a resident of Port Orchard, and a proud retired Navy submarine veteran, I would like to write this letter of endorsement for soon-to-be state Sen. Jan Angel.

I am a member of VFW Post 2669 in Port Orchard and take pride in attending a great number of veteran sponsored events throughout the year.

One important thing I look for at these events is not only which one of our political figures show up and shake hands to support the cause, but what their actions are during the time spent.

The folks that win elections are under the most scrutiny with me to see if they return to talk to the people that helped get them there. I will tell you that Jan Angel is more to me than just a talking head. She has answered our call on many occasions. She arrives at these events and spends time listening to veterans and their spouses concerns.

Please notice I said listening. I think that all too often our politicians are so busy telling us what they are going to do for us that they don’t really hear what we really need them to do.

I believe that she is processing every one of our concerns and issues in her mind and will draw on them when the time is right. Our members aren’t shy and don’t we don’t back down easy from accountability. I believe that Jan Angel is the right person for the job, her vote is ours and I believe that she walking the walk. In the future as the military downsizes more and more veterans will need a strong voice in Washington.

Let us not miss this opportunity to put a fresh strong voice in Washington.

Rudy Pacheco | Port Orchard

