Sounds like sour grapes

The letter supporting a city manager vs. mayor form of government written by Jim Colebank sounds to me like sour grapes.

The letter supporting a city manager vs. mayor form of government written by Jim Colebank sounds to me like sour grapes. Jim had ample time to lobby for a city manger especially while serving with the previous Port Orchard mayor.

However, it has become obvious that this is now a plan of many on the Port Orchard City Council to do away with the current mayor since they don’t see eye to eye on many issues.

Evidently Jim has just awoken to the fact that a full time mayor didn’t meet the council’s expectations, as he states in his letter. I wonder if the previous mayor, Lary Copolla, was aware of these expectations that weren’t met. I certainly doubt it since all we ever heard were accolades for Copolla.

I believe the voters of Port Orchard are being hoodwinked into believing that the majority of cities in Washington state are council-manager type government.

However, a quick survey shows that out of 281 Washington state cities only 52 have a council-manager form of government. So for Jim to state that “most” are doing outstanding is once again pulling wool over the eyes of the voters. Did he overlook how many mayor-council forms of government are doing “outstanding”? One need only look to Bainbridge Island to see what a fiasco a council-manager form of government can lead to.

For some to say it will be cheaper is like saying Obamacare will lower your health insurance premiums. Wait until the city totals up the manager’s  benefits, severance securities and, like most council-manager cities, his assistant’s salary.

You, the voter, will only get one vote on this issue so do the research.  It is in your best and future interest.

Dave Dahlke | Port Orchard

