Poachers should be reported

Poachers should be reported

We volunteered this year on opening day for lowland lakes fishing for the department of Fish and Wildlife at Buck Lake. Fish and Wildlife conducts a fish count at various lakes to determine how many and what size trout are caught. This information is used by the game department to budget for next year’s hatchery plant.

While at Buck Lake, several persons informed us that several days before the season opened, people were poaching at the lake, knowing that the trout were recently planted. They were told by the ones fishing that they were Native Americans and had a treaty right to fish when and where they chose.

We contacted Fish and Wildlife to seek clarification about this matter. We received an answer from officer Sean Carrell from the enforcement division, informing us that no such treaty exists for freshwater in our region. The game department stocks freshwater lakes with hatchery trout with money obtained from the sale of sport fishing licences. If anyone notices poaching in the future please call the poaching hotline (877) 933-9847 or the Washington State Patrol in your region. They are in contact with Fish and Wildlife 24 hours a day.

Dave Schwab

Ruth Greb

