PLCs help NK students learn personal resiliency

It would seem that the North Kitsap School District is in an impossible position. After years of hearing of calls for reform within education, NKSD has made a bold effort to implement an instructional system that has the express purpose of supporting those students who are not meeting the standards in any particular academic area.

Now they are being criticized for stigmatizing those students and potentially retarding their social growth. What is NKSD to do?

NKSD would be doing students an extreme disservice if it ignored deficiencies within a student’s academic portfolio simply for fear of hurting that student’s feelings.

High school is an excellent time for students to develop the resiliency they’ll need in later life, as well as a chance to be self advocates for their learning. Acknowledging that you need help, and that you are not equally proficient in every subject, is an important lesson to learn.

Better that lesson is learned in high school where there is plenty of support than in college or on the job.

Cameron Peters

