North Kitsap Herald Letters to the Editor | Sept. 24

You just don’t get it. It’s not all about the territory. It’s about ownership. But let’s start with a little history. I heard about the stadium issue, not from a flyer, not from a student, but from the newspaper. I was a little concerned from the article and then I read your opinion. To use your words, OMG.

NK Stadium

OMG, editor doesn’t get it

You just don’t get it. It’s not all about the territory. It’s about ownership.

But let’s start with a little history. I heard about the stadium issue, not from a flyer, not from a student, but from the newspaper. I was a little concerned from the article and then I read your opinion. To use your words, OMG. But before I jump into this issue, I want all the facts. You see, like most clear thinking adults, don’t make rash judgment. So I went to some parents that have high school age students from both schools. The answer I got: Kingston doesn’t mind the logos, Poulsbo is fine with sharing the field, what’s the big deal. Why is this getting blown out of proportion?

You see, I am a third generation North Kitsap graduate. So, I know a lot about the local history, the town, the school and the school district. I can remember when they built the new high school on Hostmark and the new high school didn’t have a stadium for a long time. All their games were played at the old high school on Front Street (which is now the Parks and Rec. building) for a number of years until the district had enough money to build the stadium, the baseball field and the tennis courts. So over the years, North Kitsap students earned their recreational fields one by one. So yes, it’s a little about territory.

Personally, I take more issue with this “community stadium.” Now that is a new one. Since when did the Park and Recreation schedule games and activities for the stadium? Or is that just a way for the district to calm the feathers of the general public.

And about this rumor that has gotten out of hand. Yes, I’ll agree that is was a little knee jerk reaction. However, rumors have a way of becoming fact. If the parents and students didn’t come forward on a mere rumor, the district would think that they didn’t care. The general public is taking ownership to what happens to their children. Isn’t that the ultimate goal?

And what about CK district, Bremerton School district? Well, they worked something out. Did you do your homework on them before blasting the parents?

Sharon Greany


Decision 2008

Facebook it

These days it seems like everyone is on the social networking Web sites Facebook and MySpace. Facebook’s membership is primarily made up of college students and recent college graduates. On Facebook users have the ability to join groups that include social movements, not-for-profit organizations, and even to support politicians. Both Obama and McCain are on Facebook. Each candidate’s profile shows how many supporters they currently have. Prior to the GOP/VP Palin selection, Obama had approximately 1,700,000 supporters, to McCain’s approximate 300,000 supporters.

In all honesty, only one real conclusion can be drawn. Obama’s popularity among young people was far greater than McCain’s. Following the DNC/RNC conventions and VP selections, new Facebook sites were set up for Obama-Biden and McCain-Palin. The Obama-Biden site was set up almost a week before the McCain-Palin site and yet the McCain-Palin site quickly surpassed the Obama-Biden site in supporters. As of 9/11/08 the Obama-Biden site has 22,624 members against 150,829 on the McCain-Palin site. Some might spin it’s no big deal. However, I see this emerging micro-trend among young voters telegraphing McCain-Palin are seen as real change mavericks and leaders.

Crosby J. Olsen

Bainbridge Island

No passport?

What makes Mr. Hayes feel that if an individual does not own a U.S. passport they are “basically clueless about the world?” I know of a number of people, including some of my own children, that have not traveled overseas but still keep abreast of world events and issues. To classify Sarah Palin, and thousands of other U.S. citizens as clueless is absurd.

His comment comparing Mrs. Palin to a “female Dick Cheney” is also a political cheap shot and without justification. Mr. Hayes seems to have forgotten that in the United States an individual is innocent until proven guilty. He seems to have tried, convicted and sentenced Mrs. Palin without knowing all the facts. With this type of attitude at least he doesn’t have to worry about ever serving on a jury, no lawyer or judge would accept him.

Less than two years in public office, doesn’t this sound similar to an individual that is currently running for President? Shouldn’t we be more concerned with that individual being commander-in-chief? By the way, I seem to remember that this person also has had limited travel overseas, with the exception as a kid in Africa. Senator Clinton also has had limited experience holding a public office but she was obviously respected by a significant percentage of the U.S. voting population. Does the length of time a person is in politics really make a difference, I would suggest probably not and in reality perhaps the less the better. What it comes down to is the individual, their beliefs, their commitment, perserverence, strengths and yes even their weakness. Senator McCain’s decision to select Mrs. Palin might not be “extremely poor judgement” after all. It sure seems to have the Democratic Party extremely worried.

Mr. Hayes’ opinion is that Senator McCain is now “clearly” disqualified “as a serious presidential contender” due to Mrs. Palin’s perceived limitations. Based on similar limited credentials, he must also believe t hat Senator Obama is not a serious presidential contender. What a shame. Considering that this election has been and continues to be the most interesting contest in years I trust that the majority of the voting population feels quite different on this issue than Mr. Hayes.

My last comment is to you, the editor. Perhaps it would be better to keep individual personal comments and preferences regarding political election issues out of the paper. All it does is to continue to spread poorly informed commentations and often untrue accusations and is a disservice to the general public.

Paul Tweiten

