Letters to the editor | Feb. 17

Letters published in the Feb. 17 edition of the Port Orchard Independent

Gov., Dems to blame for state of schools

To the editor:

A tip of the hat to Carrie Riplinger of Seabeck for her well written Op-Ed article in the Feb. 3 Port Orchard Independent.

Carrie basically said that the Washington state legislature and governor Christine Gregoire are not doing their job according to the Washington state constitution.

The state constitution says it is the paramount duty “to make ample provision for the education of all children”. The state Supreme Court ruled that the legislature is not meeting its constitutional responsibility.

Not all legislators are negligent in wanting to follow the state constitution and fully fund K-12 education. Rep. Jan Angel has mentioned many times in various articles that she fully supports the funding of K-12 public education.

The power in Olympia (Democrats) is the main problem for the lack of support for fully funding K-12 public education.

The legacy of the Washington state governor Christine Gregoire and the democrats in the Washington state House and Senate are clearly to blame for the disintegration of Washington state public schools.


Rob Daugherty

