Letter: Vote ‘No’ for capital projects levy

I am encouraging taxpayers to cast a big “no” vote against the Bremerton School District Capital Projects Levy.

I am encouraging taxpayers to cast a big “no” vote against the Bremerton School District Capital Projects Levy.

The glossy brochure that arrived in our mailboxes lists all the things the school district would like to do. One item is “Removal of non-usable East High School facilities.” They conveniently left out the price tag: $5 million! This is the figure quoted in a front page article in the Kitsap Sun over a year ago on Jan. 1, 2015. Forget it! We have a lot bigger fish to fry.

We are constantly reminded how strapped the schools are for money, but they want to spend that amount to demolish an old boarded-up building. The district was able to obtain money from the State to re-roof the historic gymnasium, which I feel is worthwhile and it will be utilized for many years. A dry roof is essential in our area and “Repair/replacement of district roofing systems” is an item in the brochure that makes sense.

The other wish-list items can wait. With the good possibility of another recession and a real estate bubble looming, let’s stick with just the essentials. Let the school district come back with a pared down levy proposal.

William Rieger,



