It isn’t charity if it’s coerced


The Independent doesn’t publish Angie Vogt’s columns very often, but when you do she is consistently thought-provoking and sensible.

Her May 15 effort, “Some religious leaders worship at the altar of government,” was no exception.

Anyone who believes big government is the answer to their problems has no grasp of concepts like history, economics or civics.

Government is the problem — and when the clergy decides to dine at the public trough, it becomes a part of the problem.

I’m sure the religious leaders Ms. Vogt refers to have the best of intentions, but charity by definition is voluntary, while taxes are not.

As Christians, we are called upon to help others, but that means digging into our own pockets of our own free will, not authorizing government to subsidize the causes we believe in by taxing the unwilling.

Charity is a beautiful thing. But it isn’t charity if it’s taken at the point of a gun.


Port Orchard
