Freedom is threatened

I am not republican or democrat. I am an American who loves our freedom, now threatened. I just wanted to clarify that if this letter to the editor appears to be pro Republican, it is not my intent. My allegiance is to the Constitution.

Our rule of law is not a democracy. It does use democratic processes to make decisions by voting on issues which are within the Rule of Law, which is the republic.

On the other hand we have the Republican Party. Originally, they adhered to the limitations of the Republic (the law) thus merited some connection. This is, in great part, no longer the case.

Now, citizens, soon to be subjects, don’t know the significant difference between the Republic and the Republican Party. In a “hate the Republican Party” frenzy of hysterical proportions, instant rejection of all things Republican has become the norm and a common practice amongst many while they congratulate themselves for being open-minded. The groveling news stations encourage this contempt for the Republican Party relentlessly, blatantly and shamelessly. Example: “He inherited this mess.” Barack Obama voted for the bailout that he “inherited.” Throughout all of this, the use of the word, republic, has nearly vanished. Where it should be used, it is replaced with the word, democracy. We have been incrementally conditioned to mistakenly believe our governing laws are purely democratic, which results in mob rule eventually. This is very damaging as it will cost us our freedom for the Rule of Law is what ensures our freedom, not democracy. So, all those who have been manipulated, deliberately, into equating the Republican Party (and hating it to be politically correct) with the republic, our freedom, are throwing the baby out with the bath water! “ …and to the republic, for which it stands.”

Colleen Smith

