Doesn’t support more taxes for SoundRunner

Walt Elliott’s column in the May 18 North Kitsap Herald claims that SoundRunner needs help

(Editor’s note: The referenced column is published on page 5 of this edition of the Kingston Community News).

Walt Elliott’s column in the May 18 North Kitsap Herald claims that SoundRunner needs help (“SoundRunner needs your help,” page A5). He notes that two attempts to raise sales taxes to support the ferry passed in the north end but failed in the “less enlightened” county areas.

What a snob!

Mr. Elliott should realize that neither the state nor the county electorate looks favorably these days on increased or new taxes. As an “enlightened” individual, I am sure he reads the newspaper.

If the Kingston Port Commission wants to pour 42 percent of its annual revenue into a failing ferry business, that is their right to do so. Just don’t ask the rest of us “less enlightened” folks to participate.

William Marsh

