Continue community dialogue on human trafficking

Last week's article on sex-trafficking "Putting down the beast of human trafficking" (page A6, April 1 Herald) should open a community discussion on this heinous crime. To read that 50 percent of the victims are young girls about 12 to 14 years of age is shocking and to learn that sex-trafficking exists in Kitsap County and not just big cities like Seattle shows us how pervasive it is.

Last week’s article on sex-trafficking “Putting down the beast of human trafficking” (page A6, April 1 Herald) should open a community discussion on this heinous crime. To read that 50 percent of the victims are young girls about 12 to 14 years of age is shocking and to learn that sex-trafficking exists in Kitsap County and not just big cities like Seattle shows us how pervasive it is.

The article ends with Sheriff Simpson stating, “I hope the information you gain from the presentation enlightens you, inspires you and calls you to action.” We citizens can do our part by helping organizations such as Shared Hope and Scarlet Road fight this crime, and becoming aware of the warning signs in our community.

The North Kitsap Herald is to be commended for printing this article, which is of great importance to all of us.

Joan Gorner


