Bremerton Patriot Letters to the Editor | Sept. 13

Enough about McCain, who knew Obama was such a maverick?

Presidential election

Enough about McCain, who knew Obama was such a maverick?

On May 24, 2007, 14 extremists stood on the floor of the Senate and cast their sacred votes to end funding for the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan. They stood against the president, Republicans, Democrats and our young people in harm’s way. Mr. Obama was one of those ‘protest voters’. Had he been successful the money would have stopped on the 28th, just four days later. If Obama had his way he would have abandoned our people in a hostile desert, humiliated in defeat.

Obama boasts he was against the war from the beginning. At Saddleback he said that was the hardest decision of his life! But when he spoke against the war he was a no-name state legislator in a liberal district. He was in zero danger of political backlash. His decision to oppose the war was meaningless. Contrast that with his telling vote as a senator against the troop surge. The surge that’s worked. The surge that is responsible for the fact that our troops are coming home. The surge that claimed victory in Anbar. Obama and Biden opposed it.

Today, he admits the surge worked “beyond expectations.” Wrong, sir! It has succeeded precisely as planned by your colleagues.

In the words of Rudy Giuliani, if In the words of Rudy Giuliani, if you want to know how to lead something a little more substantial than a political campaign, “Next time, ask John McCain.”



Gregoire vs. Rossi

Dear voters, let us focus on what our state legislators are costing us and our families.

In the four years of Christine Gregoire’s administration, our state’s spending has increased by more than $8 million! That is a 33 percent increase! We now face a $2.7 billion deficit.

Representative Sherry Appleton told me that there is no place to cut in the budget. That means we must look forward to increased taxes and fees. I will not vote for any incumbent who supported this insane policy. We must throw the rascals out.

I will vote for Dino Rossi. He has a record of fiscal responsibility.



County elections

Wow! Isn’t it refreshing to have judicial candidate Bruce Danielson be an independent lawyer seeking office without crawling to his peers for their blessing?

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not a living document, which socialists continue to profess it to be. The institutional substance of its greatness is barraged by pseudo-intellectual judges that ignore its historic relevancy. Why would you vote for one of those?

It’s time we elect a judge who understands the historical value of that document and will not prostitute it with convoluted interpretation.

The only defense to this onslaught of democratic socialism is to look for judges that at least have institutional values of the founding fathers.

In holding his standards above the liberal socialist agenda, Bruce (Danielson) has been castigated and judged not qualified by the greater portion of the local democratic bar association.

Yet, Dalton’s comments supporting the Supreme Court’s decision that terrorists held in Guantanamo deserve the same legal rights as U.S. citizens makes me believe she is a hard-line democratic liberal!

Why would any American believe the enemies of this great nation deserve the same judicial rights as its citizens? Vote for Danielson.


