Bremerton Marina isn’t even half full

Thank you, Bill Bambrick, for your Sept. 13 Guest Opinion (“Port of Bremerton just keeps shafting SK”) and for exposing the biggest boondoggle of the first decade of the new century.

“Boondoggle” is usually defined as “a government project of little practical value to the public and funded to gain political favor.”

it sounds like the Bremerton Marina isn’t much of a success. Out of a total of 229 slips available for current moorage, the port has managed to fill just 61.

People in the port districts of Kitsap County whose port taxes more than doubled starting in early 2007 should be really upset with Port of Bremerton Commissioners Bill Mahan and Cheryl Kincer. They are responsible for the exhorbitant tax increase for the Bremerton Marina.

Call them and ask why the marina isn’t full.

I also urge everyone to contact your state representative and demand that they amend the port laws of Washington state so that the public has a lot more voice in what they do.


