9/11 and the right of free speech

My thanks and respect to the North Kitsap Herald for printing a letter recently that mentioned the ongoing controversy regarding the tragedies of 9/11.

My thanks and respect to the North Kitsap Herald for printing a letter recently that mentioned the ongoing controversy regarding the tragedies of 9/11.

Mr. Cameron Peters wrote in to say that these are “zombie ideas” and “conspiracy theories” and should not be given column space. (“Don’t focus on conspiracy theories,” page A5, June 21 Herald).

Apparently, Mr. Peters isn’t aware of the skepticism of people worldwide regarding the true story of 9/11. This includes many eminent scientists, engineers, architects, pilots and first responders. Indeed, polls show that a majority here in the United States think there was a coverup of some kind.

Surely, the monumental events of 9/11 deserve to be thoroughly and independently investigated. Those of us who have thoroughly examined the evidence and the government’s narrative should be allowed to speak out if we wish.

I’m happy to see that this newspaper still respects the right of free speech, whatever it’s own opinion may be.

Colleen Smith


