$5,800 raised for vets, programs

Poulsbo American Legion Post 245 of Poulsbo would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to the whole community for the donations you gave us on our Poppy Days.

Poulsbo American Legion Post 245 of Poulsbo would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to the whole community for the donations you gave us on our Poppy Days.

Our volunteers dedicated many hours this past Friday and Saturday and the people in the community gave liberally to our cause. Central Market in Poulsbo and Albertson’s in Kingston kindly provided the locations for our volunteers to accept the donations. Columbia Bank and Union Bank in Poulsbo assisted us in the processing of the donations. The bottom line is, more than $5,800 was raised to assist veterans and our programs. As a matter of fact, 100 percent of the donations received go back to the veterans and programs.

Again, thank you all for your kindness and your donations.

Jerry Davis
American Legion Post 245
Poppy Days chairman

