Volunteers are born givers

Prospective on volunteering from a chamber of commerce volunteer.

A volunteer is defined as a person who enters into any service of his own free will, donating time and performing tasks without pay. My wife defines a volunteer as someone she wants out of the house for a few hours!

Without volunteers, America might still be a colony. Volunteers are not necessarily retired folks with time on their hands; plenty of people with full-time jobs find the extra moments to lend a hand and assist to get the job done. The beautiful flowers in hanging baskets throughout Kingston would be dried up if not for volunteers. The many events during Kingston’s Fourth of July celebration would not exist without volunteers. The food banks would be empty without volunteers.

The average volunteer is almost a born giver. The same individuals always seem to appear as Little League or soccer coaches, Cub masters and Den mothers, serving meals or collecting food. They are active in fundraising, which is so important to the community.

Volunteers are usually happy because they know they can’t be fired. Criticizing a volunteer is illegal. If you decide to become a volunteer you must be wary of the fact you will be on a list and may find you don’t have the time to cut your yard, which is not really that bad. So, when you see someone working a booth at Tiny Town or watering the hanging baskets, remember they could be playing golf or fishing.

Tom Davies

Kingston Chamber volunteer
