Being prepared to help is a citizen’s duty

Recently, several citizens gave the best of themselves by acting to save another’s life. A crew of employees at the YMCA in Bremerton jumped into action when a YMCA member collapsed. They gave the man CPR.

Recently, several citizens gave the best of themselves by acting to save another’s life.

A crew of employees at the YMCA in Bremerton jumped into action when a YMCA member collapsed. They gave the man CPR.

As staff at the YMCA, they were appropriately trained to deliver the life-saving process. Additionally, they had the correct equipment handy and were able to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) to deliver an electric shock to bring the victim back into a regular heart beat. They called 911.

Soon after, the Bremerton Fire Department arrived on location, stabilized the man and took him to the hospital where he was seen by doctors.

Because of the actions of a couple of trained employees and the fire department crew, the system worked. The man is alive and back home with his family.

This incident reminds us that no matter where we are, we could be called on to help save someone’s life. It is our duty as citizens to be ready to react when needed in an emergency.

It’s as easy as taking a class from the American Red Cross or your local emergency services officials and learning CPR.

In these classes, you’ll also be taught how to handle an Automatic External Defibrillator. Many places have these on hand for emergencies.

And, while they aren’t cheap, getting an AED is another step in preparing for emergencies. Most public places have them.

Some offices do, and those of us who don’t should look into purchasing one.

It is the most unselfish act to put your own concerns aside and go to the aid of someone else, especially if that person is a stranger.

Congratulations are in order to those who saved this man’s life.

Now is the time to be prepared for the worst. Now is the time to learn CPR and Fist Aid and be ready to help a bad situation have a good ending.

