School Briefs

KHS band to show ‘From the 50 Yard Line’

KHS band to show ‘From the 50 Yard Line’

The weekend of Oct. 17-18 the KHS band will show the award-winning, innovative documentary film: “From the 50 Yard Line.”

Film starts at 7 p.m. at KHS in the commons, tickets are $8 at the door. Concessions will be available at the event.

Info: Adam Campanga at

Want to help with the NKSD budget?

For the first time, parents, staff and community members are being asked to volunteer to help create recommendations for the school board to use in planning the 2009-10 budget. To volunteer, for the work group, go to, and click on “Volunteer to help build the budget.” Process is at 7 p.m., Nov. 6 in the Kingston High School Commons.
