Plan ahead to save energy this winter | Choices For The Future | November

It’s time to prepare for what is predicted to be a colder, wetter winter than we’ve had for many years. Time to think about saving energy every way we can. Here are some ideas:

1. How warmly do you dress? This is a very simple way to cut heating costs but amazingly many people don’t think about it. It’s easy to put on an extra sweater or pair of socks, get your family cozy slippers and keep some warm blankets handy for when you’re watching TV or working on the computer. Flannel lined jeans and a wool sweater will let you turn down the thermostat several degrees.

2. Do you have a thermostat that can be programmed or turned off when not needed? If you can, program your heat to go off when you are at work or at night, when you only need heat in bedrooms. You can manually turn off the heat when you are gone. Only heat rooms you are use often. Close doors to seldom-used spaces.

3. Does your home suffer from pollen and mold, drafty windows, doors and cold floors, moisture on the windows and mildew in closets and basement? These issues can be addressed with window and door-sealing weather strips, better insulation, storm windows or plastic “shrink-wrap.”

4. Do you have attic insulation? Can you add more? Insulate!

5. How many lights are usually on in your home? This will vary by the size of the household but keeping it down to one to four lights at a time is great.

6. How many lights have you changed to CFL’s or LED’s? Compact Fluorescent Lights and LED bulbs are very efficient. If a 75-watt incandescent (old style) bulb costs $3.80 a month to run, a comparable light from a 12-watt LED will cost only 43 cents. If you can’t change them all at once, change the bulbs you use the most.

7. Any appliances you will need to replace this winter? Are you planning to get Energy Star efficient ones? There is always the debate about not wasting a functional appliance, just to replace it with a new one that may be more efficient but consumes many resources in the production of it. But any new appliances or electronics on your Christmas list should be the most energy efficient you can get. Check the seal around your freezer or refrigerator. That’s a place where lots of energy is lost. If you can pull a dollar out of it when the door is closed, it’s time for a new seal.

8. Speaking of appliances, can you skip the clothes dryer and use a dryer rack or line in the basement or back room or sun porch. Can you turn off the dishwasher before the dry cycle? It may take a longer for your clothes or dishes to drip dry, but you will save loads of energy.

9. Do you know your energy vampires? All the TVs, computers, monitors, printers, and other electronics suck energy even when they are turned off. They are in constant standby mode. Shutting down all the appliances and electronics for seven or eight hours every night could save an average household about $100 per year in power. An easy way to shut them all down is to use a power strip that can be turned off or un-plugged easily.

10. When was the last time you changed your furnace filter? If you have a furnace, this is a good time to get a new filter in there — the cleaner the filter, the less energy it takes to get the heat circulated.

Not all of these energy saving ideas will not make your house warmer but they will make your energy consumption less.
