Our Kiwanis Club is gearing up for the Christmas Season with enthusiasm and good cheer.
November was a very busy month but rewarding. Two food drives, one in conjunction with Kingston Rotary, will help make sure our neighbors enjoy a great Thanksgiving.
Dale Rude chaired our Halloween party in October, and it was lots of fun and a great success.
Kingston Cleanup with Rotary and the other Kingston organizations will make Kingston ship-shape for the holidays.
Our recruiting efforts are starting to pay off with the induction of Wendy Armstrong-Jewett, a well- known lady who volunteered in a number of Kingston charities and school projects; and Rick Eveleth, who lives in Kingston most of the time, but loves to spend the rest of the year in Hawaii. They are a great addition to our club and already volunteered to serve on a number of committees.
One fun event for our club during the Christmas holidays this year is Hal Hoover and the Kitsap Chordsmen, entertaining us with a concert of Christmas songs at the Firehouse Theater Dec. 11, 7 p.m. Santa Claus will be there to make sure everyone gets their wish at Christmas.
Judy Osborne reports we have 652 toys and books with more purchases to be made by the Key Club for teens. Because of an anonymous donation, we were able to buy a second bike. Jed Selter of Caring Clowns International donated $100 for toys. Kind of makes you feel good that kids that didn’t expect any Christmas gifts this year will have something under the tree.
Come see us at the Oak Table Café on Thursday mornings at 7. Have a great breakfast and enjoy the company of people who care for kids and their community. Call our president, Dick Osborne, at 297-4693; or me at 297-4462, if you have any questions.
Have a very Merry Christmas.