Kitsap Health District’s 2012 report hits the streets

An eight-page color “report card” on the Kitsap Public’s Health Distict’s 2012 work in the area of chronic disease was mailed to a targeted audience last week and raised some eyebrows.

An eight-page color “report card” on the Kitsap Public’s Health Distict’s 2012 work in the area of chronic disease was mailed to a targeted audience last week and raised some eyebrows.

A slick, poster-board style publication, it features photos of Mayor Patty Lent and Harrison Medical Center’s CEO Scott Bosch in health district T-shirts on the cover.

The report, which is a way for the health district to tell partners and the public about what it has accomplished in battling chronic disease, was mailed to 225 agency partners, community groups, the media, the district’s board and other elected officials.

District’s spokesman Scott Daniels said a report is sent out annually and usually has a theme. This year’s theme of conquering chronic disease reflects the work that the district has been doing with the “Ready, Set, Go 5210 Kitsap.”

That program, which has been used in schools, hospitals, and private employers, helps people increase their physical activity and eating healthy by adopting simple rules: 5 fruits and vegetables a day, allow for at least 2 hours of non-school or work/screen time a day, get 1 hour of physical activity every day, and drink 0 sugary drinks a day – drink water and low fat milk daily instead.

In all, it cost about $4,329 to produce, including graphic design and printing, Daniels said.

Additional copies were given to staff and some are available at the counter of the health district office for the public to have.

Daniels said it was written “in-house” by staff and was paid for by district funds that are “non-targeted.”

The district does not have taxing authority, but receives funding from the county and state governments.

“The annual report is also submitted to demonstrate work under the Community Transformation Grant, which funds some of our chronic disease prevention work,” Daniels said.

As to why the 2012 report is just coming out in September of 2013, Daniels said that has to do with being under staffed.

“Since 2006, we’ve reduced staffing from 126 (full time equivalents) to about 89 (FTEs), primarily due to continuing funding reductions,” he said. “Many of us are now wearing multiple hats trying to keep things moving forward.”

The report states that in Kitsap County, two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. It states that obesity is the primary reason for a predicted shorter life span and that nationally, half of all adults have at least one chronic disease, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes or cancer.

Through the 5210 program, the health district worked with such places as Snap Fitness, the Olympic Educational Service District, including Head Start programs, the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap counties, Naval Hospital Bremerton Pediatric Clinic, Harrison Medical Center and the Bremerton Housing Authority to teach healthier lifestyles.

It also states that the district’s 2012 budget included $3.8 million in revenues that were obtained through fees. Another $3.9 came from contracted services. Local and state government contributed $1.9 million.

In terms of expenses, the largest was $7.3 million for wages and benefits of the district’s employees. Another $587,982 was spent on facilities.

The report is available to view online at

