Kingston’s can-do attitude at work

Cy Wyse. When he sets his mind to do something, the guy just does it. His drive and vision have been making good things happen in Kingston for years.

Cy Wyse. When he sets his mind to do something, the guy just does it. His drive and vision have been making good things happen in Kingston for years.

The truth about this fella, is he knows the old adage “many hands make light work” is true and knows just how to get the wheels in motion. His idealistic attitude persevered once again as Kingston celebrated its recently renovated community center. The building truly lived up to its name as the community gained a better sense of ownership and pride in its surroundings.

Both the Kitsap County government and numerous businesses and individuals made this thing a success — that in itself is a heck of an accomplishment.

The real reason for the renovation, however, had little to do with the looks of the site.

It had to do with improving something that so many use so often. It had to do with improving things for future generations of people who wisely decide to call North Kitsap home.

We applaud Kingston’s commitment to its residents and the fact that folks there are so willing to listen to Wyse’s wise words and follow the example he sets.
