KBA partnership will introduce kids to construction trades

Trades in Motion program will give real life construcion experience to kids

The Kitsap Building Association is partnering with Disney and Associates, a general contractor in Kitsap County, to introduce a five-day program, Trades in Motion, which gives real-life construction experience to kids.

The event takes place July 22 to July 26 and is open to high school students. In the program, students will be divided into five groups and will rotate each each day into specific trades with an assigned mentor, who will provide each intern a chance to learn the trade through work experience and formal training.

KBA started a program called Construction in Motion about three years ago, which allowed kids of all ages to see the heavy equipment required to build a home. In 2018, the Builder Grant Program was created to provide paid internship opportunities for young adults, ages 18-24, in carpentry, electrical, plumbing and HVAC, as well as painting and coating trades.

“Creating the Trades in Motion Week seemed like a natural fit to provide high school students a week’s worth of hands on experience in each of the trades,” KBA Director of Marketing Andy Arrants said. “Bob Disney and I began talking about the Trades in Motion concept in January 2019. It has taken us this long to ensure we were fully prepared to pull it off this summer.”

“The benefits to high school students that chose to participate in this summer’s Trades in Motion Week are numerous,” Arrants said. “We definitely want to make this an annual summer event for high school students across Kitsap County.”

“It is our hope that by providing high school students a one-week, hands-on experience in the trades, will encourage them to look at the construction industry as a possible career path down the road.”

Arrants said to date, the program has 15 committed students that have signed up or are in the process of registering to participate. Five spots are available and KBA is looking to fill them as soon as possible, according to Arrants.

The event will end Friday, July 26 with an awards ceremony, where participants will receive a certificate of completion. Registration is limited. Visit kitsapbuilds.com/education/trades-in-motion/ for more information and to register.

—Tyler Shuey is a reporter for Kitsap News Group. He can be reached at tshuey@soundpublishing.com