EDUCATION | Ted Macomber to be principal at Olalla Elementary

SKSD selects new principal for Olalla Elementary School.

Ted Macomber has been named as the new principal at Olalla Elementary.

He will replace Charlotte Flynn, who announced her retirement a couple weeks ago.

South Kitsap School District superintendent Michelle Reid announded the selection last week.

Macomber has been serving as interim principal since January.

Macomber joined South Kitsap School District as the dean of students at Cedar Heights Junior High School in 2014.

He was involved with ASB, school-wide student culture (assemblies, student recognition systems), the building leadership team and special education services.

Macomber began his career in education as an elementary teacher at Valhalla Elementary in Auburn in September 1999.

In fall 2001, he transferred to a middle-school teaching position with Saghalie Middle School in Federal Way. While there, he participated in a variety of activities including athletic director, chess club advisor, building webmaster and building-wide technology support specialist.

He then accepted an in-district promotion as the Academic Intervention Specialist (AIMS) at Totem Middle School in Kent in 2006.

Later, Macomber taught at the intermediate elementary level and also served as assistant principal for the Northwest School of Innovative Learning in Tacoma.

Macomber received his Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal studies in 1998 from the University of Washington – Tacoma. He then earned his master’s in education and his Washington State Teaching Certificate from City University – Tacoma in 1999.

He obtained his Washington State Residency Administrator’s Certificate with Principal endorsement from City University – Fife in 2007.

