CKSD bond approved by a scant 126 votes

SILVERDALE - Some people say their vote doesn’t matter. But that’s not the case regarding the recent passage of the $220 million Central Kitsap School District bond measure – it passed by a mere 126 votes, according to official election results.

SILVERDALE – Some people say their vote doesn’t matter.

But that’s not the case regarding the recent passage of the $220 million Central Kitsap School District bond measure – it passed by a mere 126 votes, according to official election results.

A total of 13,904 votes were cast in the bond measure. Of those, 8,469 were in favor (60.9 percent) and 5,435 were against (39.1 percent).

In order to pass, the measure needed 60 percent approval plus one vote.

60 percent of the 13,904 total is about 8,343 votes. Subtracting the number required to pass – 8,343 – from the number of votes cast in favor of the bond – 8,469 – yields a 126-vote difference.

The bond will be used to build a new CK Middle School, to build a new CK High School, and for major upgrades at Olympic High School and Klahowya Secondary School and other buildings.

The school support levy had a much wider margin of passage. The levy required only 50 percent to pass. The levy passed 63.8 percent in favor to 36.2 percent against, or 8,909 to 5,052 votes.