Art gallery goes green

Nothing says St. Patrick’s Day like cabbage bowling and potato carving. At least that’s how Bremerton’s avant garde/funky art gallery Metropolis interprets it. The Charlestown district gallery is once again hosting a Blarney Bash, in honor of all things green and Irish.

Nothing says St. Patrick’s Day like cabbage bowling and potato carving. At least that’s how Bremerton’s avant garde/funky art gallery Metropolis interprets it.

The Charlestown district gallery is once again hosting a Blarney Bash, in honor of all things green and Irish.

As is to be expected from an organization run by a collective of free spirits, the agenda for the event is pretty loose.

What they do know is that the festivities start at 4 p.m. and continue until “about” 10 p.m. There is no charge to get in the door, but there is a charge for beverages.

They are promising food, refreshments, including Irish spirits, live entertainment and a viewing of Irish art, or Irish-inspired art. Or at least there will probably be something green on it, or a leprechaun or two.

The live entertainment will include Metropolis president Patrick Cooper, playing his favorite Irish tunes on — what else? — a ukulele, accompanied by Erin McFadden, who is actually from Ireland. Other acts may appear, but it’s on a wait and see basis.

Also on the agenda for the evening are cabbage bowling, perhaps followed by cole slaw; potato carving and a potato gun shooting gallery. There will also be an Irish film shown, which has not yet been selected.

A new event this year is an auction of artwork by gallery members, with proceeds going into the kitty to fund future events.

The Blarney Bash takes place beginning at 4 p.m. March 17 at Metropolis, the Gallery, 318 Callow N, Bremerton.
