Check It Out: Money matters

May’s theme for the library system is Money Matters @ Your Library. We are offering programs that may be helpful for everyone affected by the roller coaster that represents our economy right now.At 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, we will be presenting a program on “Buying and Selling on eBay,” the Apple Tree Room, downstairs from the library in the Community Center. The presenter, Tricia Hanley, will share her success in the complexities of eBay transactions.The Kingston Library Book Group will be meeting on Wednesday, May 6, at 10:30 am in the Indianola Room, downstairs from the library. We will be discussing “Love in the Driest Season,” by Neely Tucker. This story emerges as an inspiring testament to the miracles that love and determination can achieve and might lead us to appreciate what we have even in the midst of economic turmoil.The next meeting of the Kingston Friends of the Library is at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 12. Let me take this opportunity to thank our Friends for all of their hard work and dedication in their sales and also in their unfailing support of library services in our community. Others in our area deserve a grateful hats-off as well – a generous soul left forty plus boxes of donations for us this past week!! If you would let us know who you are, we would like to thank you and offer you a tax deductible receipt.Speaking of donations, if you have been seeing “blue boxes” in our county with “book donations” printed on their metal sides, you may be wondering where these items are ending up. We are also puzzled, but do want you to know that donations to your library and to your local Friends groups go directly towards your community. Please continue to support us as you always have with your great book donations brought to the library. As we learn more about the “blue boxes,” we will let you know who and what they are and where their resources might be going.…Leigh Ann, our children’s librarian, invites preschoolers to story times on Wednesdays at 10:30 am during May and families to our pajama story times on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm on May 5, 12, and 19.

Our newest book discussion group will be meeting on a Monday evening at the end of the month, date yet to be determined. Please come in and check it out.
