Washington State Ferries: Closing the gate two minutes early frustrates

In your article on the ferry system you forgot to mention the discrepancy between the time table and gate closing. I learned the hard way that the ferry folks close the gate two minutes before the ferry is scheduled to leave. Their argument is better on-time performance.

If on-time performance is a problem, revise the schedule but close the gate in accordance with the printed schedule. No other transportation system closes its doors two minutes before the printed timetable departure. Only our ferry system comes up with creative ways to frustrate its customers.

And, another problem: frequently forcing everybody into the south direction on Alaska Way, even though there is no reason to close the left lane that allows cars to drive north or straight into the city.

The city could make a killing positioning a police car where drivers make a U-turn to head north on Alaska Way. Only the ferry gets away with these games.

James Behrend

Bainbridge Island
