Supports Driscoll for Congress

I really am impressed with Bill Driscoll. He has a strong business background in the timber business, with experience working in Washington state as well as exporting to China and Japan.

I really am impressed with Bill Driscoll. He has a strong business background in the timber business, with experience working in Washington state as well as exporting to China and Japan. This results in a familiarity with the business community both locally and abroad.  In addition, concerned with the hardships undergone by young men in the military serving multiple tours, at the age of 40 he volunteered to rejoin the Marines and served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a congressman who can speak the language of both business and military? Well, Bill Driscoll fits that description, as well as being intelligent, personable and firmly committed to supporting the Constitution and the values of our country.

I have heard that Bill’s opponent is “very likable,” but so is Bill, and I prefer to have this election based on concrete qualities and accomplishments rather than just be a personality contest. I’ll bet you want more, too.

I encourage you to vote for Bill Driscoll for Congress.

Donna James

