Sound Works is not closing

We’re all in this together

In these trying economic times with so much confusion and pain to go around, we are all in this together more than ever, indeed.

In regards then to the cover story last week on Sound Works and their office in Poulsbo, no one is even remotely suggesting they should or would close, which they most certainly won’t. What is this about then?

This is in fact about “all of us in this together.” Right now the citizen-taxpayers of Poulsbo proper are subsidizing both the rent and direct operating subsidies. Yet, like our Parks and Recreation program, the majority of users are not from the city of Poulsbo, but as gently put as I can, are from the county of Poulsbo, that being the entire area served by zip code 98370.

And even beyond, from Bainbridge Island all the way to Seabeck, as the story accurately told. The two tribes in North Kitsap especially make use of the facility.

Then, simply put, let us all share and be in this together. That is only fair and right, regardless of perceievd greater or smaller amounts of money involved — some entities are doing especially well in spite of the recession, while others of us struggle.

Beyond even the Sound Works question, which will be resolved happily for all, is the pending ability of the city of Poulsbo to continue to underwrite the costs of the Parks and Recreation program for the entirety of the “county of Poulsbo” as I spoke of earler.

A metropolitan parks district for the entire North End for Parks and Rec sake, the North Kitsap Community Pool which has struggled so, and any future North Kitsap parks and recreation center depend on it perhaps, we’ll see.

And there in slightly-larger-than-a-nut-shell, is the dilemma.

We are all in this together, truly, or not? I for one, believe so!

Ed Stern

Member, Poulsbo City Council

Chair, Finance Committee
