Readers on readers: Setting the record straight

Lies sometimes take on a life of their own, so I must nip in the bud untruths written in a letter dated April 30 in response to my previous letter. I have never compared Obama to Hitler and, except for this sentence, have never used those names in the same sentence in any letter. I am definitely not one of those types who compare any U.S. President to Hitler. Under certain circumstances voters can be persuaded to give up freedom for the promise that a bigger and more controlling government will take care of them. We should be familiar with historical examples of that trade-off, which always ends badly. My only points have been that we should learn from history and apply common sense in connecting the dots today so that we may have the most freedom in the future.

I must correct a second false insinuation. My letters never questioned the patriotism of anyone. Politicians should be fired for reasons of poor performance and lack of common sense. Good intentions don’t count. In the case of State Senator Sherry Appleton her wrong concept of the relationship between government and the individual leads to her wrong votes in Olympia and her arrogance to constituents who advise her that the state is on an unsustainable course.

Standing for independence, self-reliance, and truth brings out attacks by those who think that government exists to confiscate resources from some and dispense benefits to others, and have no bounds on smearing the opponent. (Remember Joe the plumber?) Voters really need to remember their history and heritage in November and self-impose term limits.
