Quade bids a fond farewell as mayor

It has been my honor to serve these past four years as your mayor. Working together with the Poulsbo City Council, we’ve accomplished a lot: Highway 305 widening and Viking Avenue improvements; we’ve re-opened the Marine Science Center, completed the comprehensive plan update, implemented low-impact development standards and completed several demonstration projects using pervious pavement and improved stormwater controls. We celebrated 100 years of governance and created our new Centennial Park. Perhaps our most dramatic accomplishment is the building of our new City Hall slated for completion in mid 2010. We have worked hard to deliver top quality services and to reach out through the city Web site and the press to get information to you. Poulsbo has indeed become a “small city” and continues to attract visitors and new residents who appreciate the beauty and quality of life here.

I have truly loved this job. And I thank you for the privilege of serving you.

Kathryn Quade

