Letters from Aug. 28

Heath care reform

America needs it now

We need to get health care reform passed this year. Congress should vote yes on America’s Affordable Health Choices Act when it comes to a vote in the House of Representatives.

We need affordable health care with a strong public option.

We need it now.


Port Orchard

Don’t allow socialism

to flourish

Have the voters of this great nation forgotten the U.S. Constitution? The state representatives were to be elected citizens serving as representatives for their districts, not lifelong political bureaucrats. What the politicians have done is simply pay off the voters with the use of pork barrel funding, entitlements and the gerrymandering of districts. They have gained the manipulative status of rulers. We have congressmen and senators in office longer than many dictators of the world.

Our legislators no longer feel it is necessary to read the legislation before voting on it. They just throw taxpayer dollars at the issues. Most Americans agree the national health care system needs adjustments. Legislation should deal with the 15 percent of those in need, instead of the government taking over the entire system. We need to continue to fight for capitalism and not allow socialism to flourish.

Consider all of the dollars wasted on the wars to improve education, stop drug use, improve energy and provide low income housing. The unintended consequences were billions of dollars spent and, in the end, results have been dismal.

We need representatives of the people and for the people. We need to rid ourselves of career lifelong-serving politicians. We need term limits.




There is a dark side

It is that time of year where we all like to go to the rodeo, but for all the thrills and excitement, there is a dark side to this business.

The sad fact is both the animals and the participants are often injured in the name of entertainment. Calf roping, steer wrestling and bronco riding often times result in injuries to the animals. The ever-popular bull riding can be just as harsh, injuring both animal and rider. For instance: Xtreme Bulls.

As a society, we should rethink our acceptance of a rodeo culture and look for entertainment which does not harm man or animal.


Paws of Bremerton