Chances are that ‘Anonymous’ is you!


The lesser flows of annual funding for the “Shock and Awe” exploding aerial fireworks displays this last Fourth of July in Kingston were due to, I suspect, the “all war, all the time” economy which has finally shown its true value to our domestic economy — a net drain. If “war is good for the economy,” then why are we suffering this immense economic decline because after all, we are now spending more on war gadgetry and personnel than at any other time in the entire history of our nation and more than the entire rest of the world combined as we militarize this planet? Seems that we have been constantly blowing things up and killing people all over the world for quite some time now. And of course, even if the economy were robust, would that justify the “means to an end” for some good economic times? Would the loss of one’s naive teenaged child or a loving parent be worth that extra car in the garage, the new boat at the dock, an improved investment portfolio, or that second home? I certainly think not, and I remain standing in opposition to war as I have done since the 60s.

Few people remember that on Sept. 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld exposed a truth that the Pentagon had lost track of over $2 trillion of its massive annual fundings. Since supporting Fourth of July Celebrations all across the nation is one of the Pentagon’s most effective subliminal “war product placement” activites, along with its “inoculation” of citizens [including most peace activists] regarding terrorism, killing in general, and the establishment of “war heroes,” through its lavish support of anything in their arsenal eagerly supplied to Hollywood in support of its bloodletting products and the placement of “camo clothing lines,” chances are that some of this lost $2 trillion slush fund, or even the Pentagon’s annual budgeting, found its way, laundered one way or another, to support Kingston’s fireworks on this last Fourth of July. So, perhaps “annonymous” are actually us taxpayers.

In watching this last Fourth of July unfold as I bannered the event in support of World Peace, there were enough smaller aerial fireworks shot into the skies over Kingston to scare any young child and make all other nearby animals scurry for cover. Perhaps the “individualization” of blowing up the skies is a far better way to go than “socializing” the explosions of Kingston’s Fourth nighttimes. Maybe this will put such activities central to some discussions between parent and child maybe they might wonder about their own expenditures for such “munitions” and whether or not the “bang for the buck” is all worth it or maybe even war vs peace?

Should discussing the purchase of local fireworks to replace the usual “Shock and Awe” display be considered, I suspect that many of the adults in the community will learn something very wonderful about their kids, something that they might not yet know, something that I have found out because I’m in the streets performing CI — Civil Informationing. Support more music, more peace, and more fun and more love for all children on earth. Its simply a much better way to go. Here’s to a “Shock and Awe” free Fourth next year — “just keep rockin in the free world.”

To Kingston becoming a “Port of Peace” with music, sports, fun and a peaceful economy all year long.

Robin Hordon

Kingston, WA
